April 13, 2011


Wacom Project #3.
All digital speed painting - Photoshop.
Speed painting - 1.5 hours.

I just saw Tron and was quite inspired.  Visually pretty cool.  Story was okay.  I didn't see the original movie, so I have nothing to compare this one to.  The "Grid" is almost pitch black with just light shapes that highlight forms.  Makes your ideals of the "light source" just go haywire and chaotically everywhere.  Awesome, but hard to recreate.  Unlike anything I've seen before.  This is a quick speed painting I just wanted to do inspired by the movie.  I gotta work on vehicles so I can do a version of the bike someday.

Draft 1: Rough lines

Draft 2: Dropping down a dark background and the preliminary darks.

Draft 3: Darkening of the background for some mood and directional lighting.

Draft 4: Adding some color

Draft 5: Tighten the edges. Not super happy with the end, but it's a speed painting, and I got to work on the value systems and lighting.  Didn't spend as much time on the dude in the back as much as I should have.  Straight to paint... always been a challenge for me.

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