April 14, 2011


Wacom Project #4.
All digital painting - Photoshop.
Roughly 7 hours.

I've always loved Street Fighter.  Akuma was probably my favorite character.  Just so different from a lot of the other cookie cutter characters.  There was a darkness in him that I hope to bring out.  Went with a more finished look this time.  Feels stiffer than the loose painterly lines.

Draft 1:  Rough draft with a really large brush.  Getting the general shapes in place.  This guy has a weird face.  His nose is huge and rectangular like a bar of soap.

Draft 2:  Feeling out some of the important lines.  Gah, the craziness!!

Draft 4:  Refining the lines.  Starting to look less weird.

Draft 5:  Bam!  The grey tones are starting to look right!  Time for some color!!!

Draft 6:  Finishing up the background and added some effects.  Must have did something weird with the colors, he's looking a little like Lionel from the Thundercats.

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