April 29, 2011


There's a lot to learn... here's some practice I did.


April 27, 2011


Deadpool, even though he's an older character, he's a new character to me.  I honestly don't know much about the character.  I actually had a hard time finding a reference for him because everyone who has drawn him has drawn the details of his outfit, weaponry, and armor quite differently.  Guess it gives me freedom to stretch the character to my liking. Well, he's a ninja, an assassin with a liking for guns and is quite fond of using the katana.  I can't help but to love this guy.
 Draft 1:  The rough sketch

Draft 2:  The tighter pencil rough

Draft 3:  Inking

Draft 4:  The black and white render

Draft 5:  Color and details

April 24, 2011

Ultimate Spiderman

I've always loved the Spiderman comics.  Very much as influence on me as a young artist.  This is the Ultimate Spiderman version of the character.  I'm very pleased with the way this one turned out.  Seems like I am most comfortable with this body rig style.  Ah the webbing, I thought I was going to hate doing it, but the results were sure worth it to get it just right.

Draft 1 :  The rough sketch

Draft 2:  The line drawing.  Went cleaner on my lines this time.  Less heavily shadowed via ink as compared to my last project, the Maxx.  Trying to do more of the rendering and shadowing in my painting than the inking.

Draft 3:  Light render.  Have to keep remembering to zoom way out sometimes to make sure it still reads and makes sense.  Getting used to the painting.

Draft 4:  Color!  Love it!!


April 21, 2011


I've always loved the Maxx.  He's big, purple, muscular, lumpy, and always smiling, what's not to love?  This comic had an ultra-stylized look with amazing painting style.  I was thinking of the light throughout the whole process and I think it has helped pull the whole composition better.  Unknowingly, I put this guy in a working triangle composition.

Draft 1:  The rough + silhouette

 Draft 2:  Pencil rough

Draft 3:  Working on a much more dynamic style of inking.

Draft 4:  The black and white render.

Draft 5:  Trying to work with a more realistic color gradient in this round than the last few paintings.  I'm pretty happy with the final.


April 20, 2011

Lito: Power-up

Draft 1:  Rough ideas and correct flow.

Draft 2:  Dropping down the inked lines.

Draft 3:  The color render.

Draft 4:  Details and finish.

April 19, 2011

Work doodles

Ab studies.

Last one is just a gesture drawing for posing purposes.

Kinda looks like Maxx, until I colored it.  For some reason my eye tends to read the yellows as the light source and the greens as the shadow, even though it shouldn't make sense.  Interesting experiment.

April 18, 2011


Wacom Project #6.
All digital painting.
Roughly 3 hours.

 Draft 1:  Rough lines.
Draft 2:  Defining the lines.

 Draft 3:  The black and white render.

Draft 4:  The hair was bothering me, so I fixed it, and put in the color.

Draft 5:  Put in the background, some blue lighting from his fireball, and mood rain!  Love it!

April 17, 2011

Hawaiian Warrior 2

Wacom Project #5.
All digital painting.
Roughly 7-8 hours.

For this next painting, I wanted to do something a little more personal.  A Hawaiian warrior in the moonlight.  Finding it easier and easier to work on my Wacom.  Starting to feel good working and painting on it.  Seems like my anatomy studies of Akuma have rubbed off.  Looks like I put in similar a muscle structure in my warrior.  Just went to the Brewery art walk yesterday.  Saw a painting with this crazy green that was on skin that just looked wild.  I always wanted to experiment with that, so here I experimented with a yellowish-green (left) and a blueish-white light (right).

Draft 1:  Laying down my rough ideas and proportions. 

Draft 2:  Feeling out some of the important lines.  Rough shading.

Draft 3:  Got the ink lines down.  Darkened the background.  Starting to look right!

Draft 4:  Paint rendering.

Draft 5:  Color and finalizing the shading.

April 14, 2011


Wacom Project #4.
All digital painting - Photoshop.
Roughly 7 hours.

I've always loved Street Fighter.  Akuma was probably my favorite character.  Just so different from a lot of the other cookie cutter characters.  There was a darkness in him that I hope to bring out.  Went with a more finished look this time.  Feels stiffer than the loose painterly lines.

Draft 1:  Rough draft with a really large brush.  Getting the general shapes in place.  This guy has a weird face.  His nose is huge and rectangular like a bar of soap.

Draft 2:  Feeling out some of the important lines.  Gah, the craziness!!

Draft 4:  Refining the lines.  Starting to look less weird.

Draft 5:  Bam!  The grey tones are starting to look right!  Time for some color!!!

Draft 6:  Finishing up the background and added some effects.  Must have did something weird with the colors, he's looking a little like Lionel from the Thundercats.

April 13, 2011


Wacom Project #3.
All digital speed painting - Photoshop.
Speed painting - 1.5 hours.

I just saw Tron and was quite inspired.  Visually pretty cool.  Story was okay.  I didn't see the original movie, so I have nothing to compare this one to.  The "Grid" is almost pitch black with just light shapes that highlight forms.  Makes your ideals of the "light source" just go haywire and chaotically everywhere.  Awesome, but hard to recreate.  Unlike anything I've seen before.  This is a quick speed painting I just wanted to do inspired by the movie.  I gotta work on vehicles so I can do a version of the bike someday.

Draft 1: Rough lines

Draft 2: Dropping down a dark background and the preliminary darks.

Draft 3: Darkening of the background for some mood and directional lighting.

Draft 4: Adding some color

Draft 5: Tighten the edges. Not super happy with the end, but it's a speed painting, and I got to work on the value systems and lighting.  Didn't spend as much time on the dude in the back as much as I should have.  Straight to paint... always been a challenge for me.

April 10, 2011

Donovan Baine

Wacom Project #2.
All digital - Photoshop.
Roughly 6-7 hours.

Draft 1: Getting the pose & ideas correct first. This is my first time doing Donovan as a subject, so getting the right feeling for the character was a challenge. Stylized big feet & hands.

Draft 2: Putting down the ink lines. The braided hair pattern was harder to figure out than I had originally thought.

Draft 3: Establishing a light source & rendering the darks

Draft 4: Painting with color. I kept it rough, because I like it better that way. More interesting than the standard "Anime" 3 color scheme paint.